Jordan Doyle

Research Software Engineer in Automated Software Testing

About Me

I recently defended my Ph.D. thesis with SFI Lero and the School of Computer Science in University College Dublin, Ireland. I am currently a Research Software Engineer in the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, where I am also a member of the Complex Software Laboratory, SFI Lero, and I work in conjunction with Fidelity Investments, Ireland.

My interest is mainly in Software Engineering, with my research focusing on developing and improving automated test generation solutions. During my Ph.D., I developed an automated model-based approach to generate test inputs for Android mobile applications. Currently, I am collaborating with Fidelity Investments, Ireland, researching automated testing solutions to detect accessibility defects in web applications.


School of Computer Science @ University College Dublin

The School of Computer Science at University College Dublin is the largest computer science department in Ireland, with top ranking B.Sc. Honours, Masters, and structured Ph.D. degree programmes.

Ph.D. in Computer Science

September 2017 - January 2024

I completed my Ph.D. degree in UCD with SFI Lero and the Complex Software Laboratory. I learned the skills to conduct valuable research and effectively communicate and solve complex problems. Over the course of the degree, I published and presented three research papers at highly regarded conferences.

The thesis for my Ph.D. focused on how I designed, implemented, and evaluated both a comprehensive model of Android mobile applications using a combination of static and dynamic analysis and an automated model-based approach to generate test inputs for Android mobile applications using those same models.

B.Sc. in Computer Science (2:1)

September 2013 - August 2017

During my undergraduate degree at UCD, I learnt lots of key skills such as teamwork and project management. The core of the degree focused on well-rounded background knowledge and practical skills, while later years focused on software development and the principles of programming.

The final part of the degree was a final year project that included a research report and a presentation to the school of computer science faculty. For this project, I designed and implemented an end-to-end eReceipts delivery system consisting of a backend database and server, application layer protocol, and a mobile frontend application.


Trinity College Dublin

Research Software Engineer

April 2024 - Present

Trinity College Dublin is Ireland’s leading university, inspiring generations of brilliant thinkers for over 400 years. Ranked 1st in Ireland and 98th in the world, Trinity provides world-class education in a research-centred, collaborative environment.

I am a member of the Complex Software Laboratory and SFI Lero in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, where I work in collaboration with Fidelity Investments, Ireland, on accessibility testing.

Currently, my work focuses on the research and development of automated testing solutions to detect accessibility defects in web applications, and reduce the manual testing required by test engineers. I am assessing the usability of these solutions using the company’s existing CI/CD infrastructure and comparing them with the company’s existing testing methods.

University College Dublin

Tutor, TA, and Demonstrator

September 2017 - January 2024

University College Dublin is Ireland's global university, with over 160 years of education, an environment where undergraduate education, master’s and Ph.D. training, research, innovation and community engagement form a dynamic spectrum of activity.

Throughout my Ph.D., each semester, I assisted the teaching of both undergraduate and master’s level students in modules covering Functional Programming, Operating Systems, and Software Engineering within the School of Computer Science in UCD.

Within the role of Teaching Assistant (TA), I coordinated a team of up to 10 demonstrators for modules of approximately 200 students. I organised and supervised the grading of student assignments, and module labs/practicals/tutorials. I was recognised as a distinguished teaching assistant for the 2023-2024 academic year.

During my time as a tutor for the UCD Computer Science Support Centre (CSSC), I provided one-on-one assistance to students struggling with coursework from a range of modules in the School of Computer Science.

Movidius @ Intel

Test Automation Intern

January 2019 - June 2019

Aquired by Intel in 2016 for 300 million, Movidius designs low-power processor chips for computer vision. Movidius VPU's enable demanding computer vision and AI workloads that achieve a balance of power efficiency, and compute performance.

During my Ph.D., I completed an industry internship with Movidius, a company that designs low-power processing chips for computer vision, and was acquired by Intel in September 2016.

While at Movidius, I researched integration testing methods for their newly developed Vision Processing Units (VPU’s) and their accompanying development API platform. This required the development and configuration of a custom CI/CD pipeline that incorporated both functional and performance testing with direct access to in-development VPU’s and dependency hardware.

Insight @ UCD

Software Engineering Intern

June 2017 - August 2017

Insight is one of the largest data analytics centres in Europe, with over 220 industry partners, supporting over 450 researchers from Irelands leading ICT clusters in areas from Fundamentals of Data Science to Trustworthy AI.

After completing my undergraduate degree, I did an internship with Insight the SFI research centre for data analytics at UCD, where I worked alongside several physiotherapy researchers.

I extended the features and improved the performance of an existing Android application. The application was designed to guide recent knee or hip replacement patients through post-surgery recovery exercises with real time visualisation and feedback using a Unity avatar. The collection of physiotherapy research data for Ph.D. students was also a key part of the project.

Bruwind @ VUB

Software Engineering Intern

June 2016 - August 2016

Bruwind has pioneered test and monitoring equipment, data-warehousing solutions and advanced analysis for the offshore wind industry, and currently operates monitoring equipment on 8 offshore wind turbine substructures in the Belgian North Sea.

In the third year of my undergraduate degree, I completed an internship with Bruwind - Brussels Wind Energy Research Institute at Vrije Universiteit Brussels. This internship was a part of the IEASTE internship exchange program, providing professional experience and cross-cultural skills for students.

While at Bruwind, I extended the functionality and features of an existing web-based application that monitored, analysed and reported the stability of turbine farms in real time, while also collecting data for targeted design optimisations and life-time estimation of turbine substructures.

Intel Ireland

Software Engineering Intern

June 2014/15 - August 2014/15

Since 1989, Intel has invested over €30 billion in Ireland creating the most advanced industrial campus in Europe. Today, alongside advanced manufacturing, Intel in Ireland represents a diverse set of activities from cutting edge research to design.

At the beginning of my undergraduate degree, I completed internships with Intel, where I joined a team focused on developing a software suite to aid silicon manufacturing.

My first summer with the team, I was responsible for the development of internal web applications that allowed the display, filtering, and update of data within relational databases. I also assisted a development team in migrating from Apache Subversion to a Git version control system.

When I returned the following summer, I built a prototype sensor platform using an Intel Galileo Gen 2 board and Arduino sensor modules for deployment in Intel’s silicon manufacturing environment. The platform collected environmental data for storage in an SQL database and a web application provided real time monitoring and visualisation of the data for the detection of manufacturing faults.